

Core Workout for Beginners

If you’re getting started exercising or planning on starting very soon, a beginner core workout is probably one of the main routines you’d like to put on your list. But there are some things you should know before you dive into just any core routine. Physical strength starts in the core. However, the idea of the…

Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Mother’s Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. In this special year, Mother’s Day is a good opportunity to show your love to your mom. Usually, people will send some gifts to their moms to express thanks for their mother’s hard…

Spring Camping Tips

Spring is coming now. Warmer weather, flowers blooming, and signs of new life after the cold, it is time for camping. Do you need any inspiration on planning your spring camping trip? Follow MIER and here are some tips that have you benefited a lot. Get Your Equipment Prepared Spring is a season that people…

HIIT Workout to Get You Ready for Summer

What is HIIT? HIIT, high-intensity interval training, is a form of high-intensity cardiovascular training modality that alternates between short periods of anaerobic exercise with short recovery sections. It is becoming more and more popular due to less time requirement and noticeable effect. You will inevitably experience repeated high-intensity efforts throughout your exercises and your ability…

How to Stay Safe While Hiking in Spring?

With nature waking up, wildflowers blooming, tiny little leaves sprinkling the trees,why would you stay at home? Spring is probably the best season for hiking. Gone are the shivering cold temperatures, in are crispy cold mornings, pleasantly warm days, and beautiful fresh flowers. The trails are generally pretty empty, and accommodations aren’t in high season…

How to Jump Rope in an Easy Way

Jump rope is one of the best workouts you can do. You’ll burn fat, lose weight, and improve your heart, all while gaining lean muscle mass. As it is shown in the study which was published in 2013,college men who spent 10 minutes jumping rope daily for six weeks improved their cardiovascular fitness just as…

Best Tips for A Perfect Picnic

As the weather warms up, outdoor spaces like parks or beaches, even your backyard provide a safe environment that allows you to get out of the house for a while. And if you practice proper social distancing measures, it can also be a great opportunity to safely hang out with friends. Why not roll out your picnic…

What Kind of Warm-up Should Do Before Workout?

If you’re short on time, you may skip a warmup and jump right into your workout. But doing so will increase your risk of injury, and put more strain on your muscles. When preparing for any kind of exercise, it’s important to take a few minutes to ease your muscles into exercise mode. Doing so can…

Best Surfing Guide on History & Tips

History of Surfing Surfing has become a popular activity for many years and it is a sport with an impressive history. Although the exact origin of the sport is unclear, it was first practiced in 1767 by Europeans in Tahiti. However, studies suggest that the sport was practiced by Polynesians long ago. Data from Polynesian…

What to Eat Before Running?

Do you often wondering what you should eat before and after a running or workout? You may ask whether it’s necessary to eat at all? This is an important question to ask because proper fuel can make a huge difference in your energy level, mood, and results and greatly influence how likely you are to work…


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